Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Looking back with a new perspective

Tomorrow marks 15 months since I had surgery. My life has changed so much during this time. Not only in the physical but in every area of my life. I have energy now to do things and I have found that I often have a hard time just sitting around the house any more. 

My two youngest kids and I have made a trip back home to visit my mom this week and the difficulty in just sitting around has become more apparent then ever. This is my second trip home since surgery. The first was back in April and during that trip there were plans to meet with old friends and things to do each day. This trip was more to focus on having some time with my mom and one of my very best friends in the world. In past trips before losing the weight I would be ok with just coming here to sit around and watch tv and eat. That is what we did when I would come home, the entire trip would be planned around hitting all my old favorite places to get pizza, slushies, and ice cream. It's really no wonder I was as heavy as I was when my adolescent years were focused around food and eating out. 

This time I have been eating only when hungry and went to the store to bring in things like Greek yogurt and light cheese and things that I can feel good about eating. Due to mobility issues with my mom we still have been primarily hanging around her house. The sitting has been making me a bit crazy but at least I know my food choices have been better and I have had the energy to do things to take care of my mom while I am here.

While I love my mom and I am grateful to have the ability to spend time here I am looking forward to being back home where I have my treadmill and other exercise equipment. In the beginning of this journey I truly hated exercise. I had gotten to where I was having a hard time even doing a few minutes on the treadmill at a zero incline. I now miss it when I can't get to it. My mom had asked me why would I still exercise when I have lost so much weight. This was so eye opening to me because that is how my attitude toward exercise used to be, why bother if you don't have to. The changes in my life and attitude continue to amaze me. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

"Normal".....who me?

Ok, so let me start off by first saying that I am not one of those folks who live and die by the BMI Chart.  I for one feel that it is not a really accurate reflection of ones health or what and I tend to rely more on body fat percentage as a measure of where I am and where I should be. 

However, with that being said this week my scale has read 150 pounds even for a few days now.  Out of curiosity I plugged my stats into a BMI Calculator and the result was 24.9 which puts me into the "Normal" range and out of the overweight category!  I have never in my entire life not been considered either overweight or obese.  Just to give a little perspective when I was at my heaviest recorded weight my BMI was 63 and I was considered morbidly obese. 

I am very close to reaching my ultimate goal weight and so that will bring a whole new set of issues with it.  I am going to have to learn how to maintain my weight.  I have never done that before.  My entire life has been either not caring what I weighed or working to lose weight.  Learning to stay steady will be a new lesson to learn.  I do believe that I will be able to handle it though.  I have developed many good habits that are just my normal now in how I deal with food and portions and choices that I make.