Friday, January 13, 2017

Have I lost enough?

So today was my 15 month check up with the surgeons office.  I actually hit the 15 month mark a few weeks ago but this was when it worked out for me to go due to some things at work.  Anyway the whole point of me going today was because my doctor wanted to check in with me to make sure that things were going ok and that I was doing well still.  See, last time I was there 3 months ago I was fighting off depression. Through Christmas and New Year's I let myself slide just a bit because through the holidays my goal was to maintain as oppose to continue losing this year.

Today's visit started off like every other visit where the tech takes you back and does all the normal vital checks and takes my weight and all of that fun stuff.  Which I was very happy to say that I have lost 17 pounds since I was there last time.  Then I go back to the room for the check in with the Doctor.  This lady is really wonderful and caring with me.  When I see her it is more like a visit with a friend and I almost feel like I should hug her when its time to leave.  So we go over my numbers and I am pleased to say that she feels like I am at goal weight and should be done losing weight.  I told her that I would like to lose about 10 or maybe 15 more pounds and she said it would be ok for me to do so but to just be cautious if I do so that I don't look too thin.  I am proud to say that I am officially in all the normal ranges for weight, blood pressure and body fat percentages for my height and age.  At my last visit my body fat percentage was right there at the highest tip end of the normal but that has dropped a few points now and so I am really "in" the normal range now.  This is truly exciting to me.  We talked about some options for the loose skin and I hope to be able to take care of that some day.  She thinks I have about 10 pounds of extra skin at the moment.  I don't know what I will do with myself when I finish losing.  LOL, that is a problem I have never in my life thought I would face but it is one that I welcome.