Monday, February 19, 2018


Well the start of 2018 has been a rough one.  I grew up 550 miles from where I have lived the last 22 years and my mom was still living in the same house I grew up in all alone.  I got a call on New Years Day from my Uncle saying that they were taking my mom to the hospital.  Come to find out she had contracted the flu and was so weak she could not walk.  After spending a few days in the hospital she was transferred to an Orthopedic Rehab facility where she spent six weeks.  In that time frame I made the trip there and back 5 separate times.  During those trips it was decided that my mom would finally give in and come move into my home when she got released from the rehab center.  That day finally came last week and with much help from family, friends, and the workers at the airports I got her home.

To say this has been a hard start to the New Year is an understatement.  The excessive amount of travelling combined with the worry about my mom's well being could have been a disastrous combination for my eating habits and my weight.  In the last few years since surgery my eyes have been opened to the fact that I really was more of a stress eater then I had ever realized.  For the most part I have done well and I have not caved into the desire to just eat my weight in chocolate.  I have not been perfect through this though.  Saturday was just our 3rd day home and as with anything a new living arrangement is going to take some adjusting.  Epically when I have become the main caregiver to someone with very limited mobility issues (all while being a single mom and working full time still).  Saturday was not one of my better days.  It was a non-stop day filled with running errands, caring for my mom, trying to make sure my kids are taken care of and then last of all having a moment or two for me in there.  By the time it was almost 9 o'clock I realized that all I had eaten that day was two brownies and a bowl of popcorn.  Not the smartest move on my part but a real eye opener non-the-less.  After I realized that I had done that and it was too late to eat any real food for the day I made sure to make the conscious decision to not let that happen again. If I don't at least take the time to make sure that I have having proper nutrition then my body will eventually start to fail and I will be no good to anyone else. Through all of this I haven't let myself stress eat too much and I have thankfully maintained my weight.  I have to do my best to still be the best I can be to take care of all around me and take care of myself as well.