Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Little Victories

    Well so I have been on this medicine for a few weeks now and it has helped me regain control.  I don’t feel like this hunger that I get is overwhelming anymore and I can keep a grip on my cravings and all.  I have lost 17 pounds and am starting to notice the difference in my clothes again.  I have missed seeing the scale go down, it was devastating to see it go up and up and up the last year.  I have come to realize that when I was in the losing phase it was almost addictive to see that number get lower and lower.  I am thrilled that I have started to lose again and I still have a good ways to go before I get back to where I want to be.  I am trying hard to re-find some balance in all of this.  To know that it is ok if I have a small treat here or there but that it don’t need to lead me back into eating junk every single day.  It don’t need to lead me back to a place of emotional eating when I am stressed out over the chaos that seems to surround my life at every turn these days.  I know that 2020 has been hard for everyone with this crazy pandemic that has swept the world.  But within my close friends and family I don’t know of one household that has not been hit with several additional major life altering stressors that have happened.  From death’s to sickness (besides COVID), to devastating emotional just goes on and on.

    I took the advise of the several doctors and all that I work with and started to see a counselor/therapist to talk through some things.  I guess you know it is pretty bad when you talk to the therapist about it all and her only response is to say, “Hearing all that makes me tired, I don’t know what advise I can give to you”.  What are you suppose to do with that when the professional doesn’t even know what to say about all the issues you have to work on and take care of?  I reckon I will do what I have always done and just keep hanging on and doing what I have to do to take care of my family.

    I know I put the title of Little Victories on this post and that last paragraph don’t seem too victorious.  So here they are, the fact that I am finding a way to lose this regained weight is one, that my clothes are fitting better is two, and a big one is the fact that I am able to cope with all this garbage that life has thrown my way and still somehow manage to keep moving forward.