Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Weight loss, COVID, and a Stall....Oh My!

     Haven’t posted since December, I don’t really know that anyone even ever reads this blog.  I guess it is just for me more than anything anyway.  It was one way that I was trying to keep myself accountable when I started all of this 5&1/2 years ago.  

    So for the good I hit 25 pounds lost from where I had gotten back up to an embarrassing 205 pounds.  Being 205 in and of itself is not a horrible thing considering where I started out at.  For me though I was one that said I would not have any regain and I would never let it start to spiral and get out of control.  But that sadly was exactly what I ended up doing.  So, I have gotten back down to 180.  I still need to get back down to 160 so I have a bit to go still.  I need to make sure that I don’t forget how hard this has been.  I need to remember how I have felt about myself for the regain that occurred.  

    For the not so good, I ended up with COVID in January.  Not only did I have it but so did my husband.  We thankfully were not super bad with the flu like parts of it.  For my husband he was no worse than a bad head cold. For me it was more like a bad sinus infection.  But with me I ended up with the severe fatigue.  There was one day that I had ran the dishwasher then put clean sheets on the bed and it made me so tired that all I could do was lay across the bed for a bit after the sheets where on.  The COVID sinus infection feeling only lasted for a few days.  However the fatigue has carried on and on.  We are now at the end of February and I still feel like I need a nap in the afternoon just to get by some days.  It has improved a bit but still not where I should be.

    The stall.  I don’t know if it was a result of the COVID fatigue or what but I hit a stall.  A stall that don’t want to end.  I believe that part of it may be due to the fatigue and it was making me where I just didn’t have the energy to exercise.  Part of it too may be that I did eat some comfort foods while I was sick because I just didn’t have the energy to really put in the effort to cook much. I am trying to stay on track now and I have been hitting the treadmill again.  I have found online virtual races and I am thinking that I may do some of those to help keep me motivated.