Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The one year check up

A few days after my one year anniversary of surgery I had my check in with the surgeons office. They had me do a swallow study to check on the reflux I was having and they said the reflux was still pretty prevalent so I have to stay on the reflux meds a while longer.  Not a huge deal in my opinion. 

I see the nurse practitioner when I go for my check ups. She was so happy with the amount of weight I have lost. According to the numbers the top range of a healthy percent of body fat is 33% and I have reached just that. She said that with sleeve surgery people generally expect to lose 60-70% of their excess body weight and I have lost 72% of my excess weight so far so at this point they consider me a success. It was good to know that I am doing well according to what the doctors have to say. 

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