Monday, August 17, 2015

Almost there

Well so last week I went for my visit with the nutritionist, the required support group meeting, and my psyc evaluation and they all went well. My day started with checking in with the insurance specialist to make sure that she had everything needed so far and she was happy that I was so organized with all my paperwork. She told me that after my appointments that day were in the system that I only needed to see my PCP one more time and then we can submit for insurance approval. So after talking with her I met with the nutritionist and it ended up being more of just chatting about things because I already know the nutrition requirements and how to track and everything. Next I was on to the support group and it was led by a few folks that ranged from 8-14 months out from surgery. They all had great stories and let us on the pre-op side ask any questions. It was inspiring because one of the ladies started at my same stats and now is a very healthy size 4. Last of all I went for my psyc evaluation and talked with the psychologist for about an hour and during the visit she told me that my surgeon had put in my file that "the patient is highly intelligent, very well prepared and organized and a perfect candidate for surgery". She said that she's never seen one of the surgeons put something like that in a patients file. At the end she said she was glad to reccomend me for surgery. So now I am almost there and it seems a bit surreal. If all goes well I could be looking at having my sleeve done by end of September!  

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