Sunday, March 26, 2017

Vacation Victory

This past week my kids were on spring break and I had saved back a little money to take them on a small vacation to the mountains. In times past when we would go I would keep up with my family but it was a struggle and I would have to have lots of breaks to sit down and rest. I also had so many issues with IBSD that I was miserable and very often in a great deal of pain and sickness that would cause me to miss out on fun and activities with my kids. 

This trip was the first time in my life I have ever gone as an "average" size person. Due to not carrying around all the extra weight I had a ton more energy. We walked and walked and walked all day every day. Everywhere in the mountains also has tons of stairs and I had no problems keeping up with the physical demands of the trip. There were some days that my tracker counted between 11 & 15 flights of stairs! It was amazing when my two teenage kids were wore out and I was still ready to keep going. This, I believe, has been one of the very best non-scale victories yet.  I look forward to having many more adventures that I am able to fully enjoy. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Just Life

Well, I haven't posted in a bit, guess I haven't had a whole lot to say lately.  Life has just kind of become the monotony of the everyday lately.  Weight wise things are alright.  I still have this last 10-15 pounds that I want to lose but they seem to want to hang on for dear life.  I have always heard the last few pounds are the hardest to lose and that is holding true for me.  I won't give up though because I want to reach my goals. 

As time goes on I have found that there are some cravings that have been trying to kick back in.  I have never really been much of a stress eater over the years but the last few months have been somewhat of a struggle to not fall into that category.  I have been dealing with some behavior issues with one of my children and other stresses with my grown child that would all make it very easy to seek out comfort in carbs and chocolate and all those oh so good tasting bad for you foods.  That is why they are called comfort foods after all.  However, I have been trying very hard to keep myself focused on the positives in my life because honestly there are many, many things to be so very grateful for.  Some things at work came across my desk in the last few weeks that really made me see that even with all I have had to deal with things could always be so much harder.  I have to remind myself that the attitude that we face each day with is a choice that we have to consciously make each and every day.