Thursday, March 31, 2016

Six months already

So this week I hit six months out from surgery. With that I have reached a loss of right at 100 pounds! Never in my life would I have thought I'd lose that much weight in just six months. I went for my check in with the surgeons office and they couldn't be happier with my progress. The said I am doing as well as the bypass patients do! I have lost 45% of my excess weight already. The only thing they want me to work on is getting some more water daily which I've been working on anyway. I have to go back for a check up in three months and I realized that I will be under two hundred pounds at that point, I will find myself in the coveted onderland! I have not been under two hundred pounds since I was in middle school. It is unreal to me to think I will be there soon. Well here are some progress pictures. The first is 11 days preop and the second is at the six month mark. 

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