Saturday, July 2, 2016

9 Months

Yesterday was my 9 month check in with the surgeons office.  Normally when I go there everything is great and everyone is super nice.  Well I was feeling so great when I got there and all excited to have my progress officially documented in the chart to show that I am in the 100s and all.  So I get signed in and the tech takes me back to do my vitals and I had never seen this woman before but she was nice enough then we get to the room and she says, So are you pre-op or have you had surgery.   WHAT!!!! It just felt like a slap in the face to be asked that.  I am a decent bit under 200 pounds at this point and wearing a size 14.  Do people think that someone who is a 14 needs to have the surgery starting off at that size because I sure don't unless they have medical reason to.  A 14 is just around the average American woman's size these days.  Yes, I still have about 40ish pounds to reach my personal goal but I am less then 20 from the doctors goal.  It was just totally rude for her to ask that of any of the patients there.  I responded and said that I was there for my 9 month check and have lost about 130lbs already. 

The rest of the visit went really well though.  Both the nutritionist and the doctor were extremely happy with my progress.  They both said that I am still losing at the same rate as the bypass patients.  This makes me super happy because I was initially a bit worried about my rate of loss when I chose to get the sleeve done but I knew I didn't want the bypass even though it is associated with faster higher rates of loss typically. 

None the less despite the rude tech I am extremely happy with my numbers and progress.  I am at 187 pounds and from my all time heaviest weight I have lost a total of 189 which means I am literally half the woman I was a few years ago!!  This excites me a lot when I think about it to just really know how far I have come and how much improved I have made my life.  With many decisions in my life I end up second guessing them and going back and forth on if I made the right decision or not but having this done is truly the best decision I have ever made for myself.  The first week or so I had some major doubts but that is the norm because during that time the body is still de-toxing from all the sugars and carbs and all and almost everyone had a bit of buyers remorse in the first few weeks.  But once  I got past the healing stage and on to a new normal of life and eating I have been just so grateful everyday for this gift.  It is a lot of hard work, but so very worth it.  I exercise on average 6 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour at a time, I alternate days between the treadmill and doing a weight routine.  I use an app on my phone to track every bite that goes in my mouth and I weigh everything that I eat to know that I am getting the right portion.  It is work but worth the effort to live again.

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