Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mowing the yard

Ok so this is a blog about my weight loss so what in the world am I naming a post "Mowing the yard" for? Now that spring is upon us again it was time for me to put on my big girl pants and work out taking care of my yard myself. I know if I asked either my brother in law or my neighbor I am sure they would take care of the yard for me again but it was time to figure it out myself. I have a push mower in my shed so today was the day to pull it out and get to work. I have honestly been dreading this. The last time I have even tried to mow was when I first bought my house like 9 years ago. At that time I had bought a plug in electric mower and I mowed half the yard and gave up and hired someone to cut it. So today as I pulled out the gas push mower and started it up.

As I worked my way back and forth through the yard I soon realized that I could do this. I realized that physically I now had the strength and endurance to mow the yard and not feel like I was dying and not feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Now my lines in the grass may not be perfect or straight even and it may not have been the best job in the world but I did it. I mowed the entire yard without stopping and without even being in pain from my back or knees. I will say I'm not looking forward to mowing when the heat of the summer kicks in but I know that I will be able to handle it and get it done. This is not something I could have even done 216 pounds ago. I may not be thrilled to mow my yard but I'm so thankful to have a yard to mow and the ability to mow it. 

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