Friday, July 3, 2015

So I'm back already

Ok so in the last post I said I'd blog more after going for the consult with the surgeon next week but here I am back already. I feel like a woman kinda obsessed and definitely on a mission. I for the last few weeks have found myself obsessing daily about the possibility of the surgery and what this can mean for my life and the life of my family. I will be able to be a more active part of my kids activities and adventures. 

I had my kids young and so even though I'm in my 30s my 3 kids will all be grown legal adults by the time I am 42. I want to be able to ride roller coaster rides with them and build crazy castles in the sand with them before it's too late. My oldest is 17 and I have promised her for years a trip to Cedar Point but have been to scared to go for fear that I won't be able to fit in the rides. There is so much life out there to live and I want to live it before it's gone. 

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