Thursday, July 2, 2015

Taking the first steps

So a bit about me.  I am a 36 year old mom of 3 who has literally spent my entire adult life taking care of everyone else and not so much taking care of myself. That is how I got to be 376 pounds at my highest weight.  Yep, that's right I was really that big.  The funny thing is I never really realized I was at that point until I saw a picture of myself one day and didn't see me anymore I saw this very large stranger.  

Finally I joined a gym and started to watch what I eat a bit more.  I was doing well and some weight started to come off.  I lost about 80 pounds and then had some health issues hit.  Nothing too major but enough to stop me from going to the gym for a while.  The pain issue I was dealing with was so bad that I couldn't even walk through the grocery store much less work out without being in excruciating pain.  So some of the weight crept back on, about 30 pounds worth.  

After much soul searching and many years of research I have come to the point where I am ready to do something more serious and permanent to get this under control.  I have made the decision to get the gastric sleeve done. Of all the weight loss surgeries this is the safest and the one that will help control the uncontrollable hunger I seem to have all the time.  

So, this is my sleeve story. I will keep posting as I go through the process in hopes of staying accountable and hopefully one day being an inspiration to someone else.  I go for my first appointment with the surgeon in a week so I will post more then.

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